








gays what is your wisdom on this saturday

thank you…… lesbians offer up your wisdom as well

thank you for your contributions….. fellow bi and pan people lend me your wisdoms

you’re all so right……… my ace friends please share a wisdom with me

thank you so much……….. trans gals and guys please tell me your wisdom for today

you’re so smart………. my nonbinary friends will you tell me your wisdom as well

thank you all……… with all this wisdom i have finally been able to reach my true power

what’s your true power??

it’s the power to give all the gays a really nice day… if you’re reading this and you’re gay something good is gonna happen to you because i said so




the fact that community colleges are seen as less valid and for “stupid” people is a result of classism and in this essay I will-

ppl in the tags saying that it’s “genuinely a lesser tier of education because people go there for trades and nursing and thats about it” are just proving that its classism. bc a) no thats absolutely not correct. a good chunk of people that go to community colleges do so to knock out their gen eds at a lower price than they’d be if they went to a four year, then transfer to a four year. and more importantly b) trade professions are not lesser than other professions that take higher degrees. people who go into things that take associates degrees are not “stupid”.

if you think ppl who are too poor to attend a four year university for all four years, or that ppl who are too poor to/don’t want to get their bachelor’s/master’s/doctorate are “stupid” then i have news for you:

thats classism, babe

My parents were both college professors, and they’ve said precisely this for years. 


This short is seriously like they took every single popular fanon for Hana and canonized it. She’s a mechanic, she has PTSD, her makeup whiskers cover a scar, she lives in constant fear of another omnic attack on the city….I seriously feel listened to and it’s kinda validating as fuck


Why Adam Is Not A Bad Person

Adam is not a fucking horrible person, yes he and shiro ended the engagement and yes he didn’t support shiro through his journey to kerberos but shiro was dying of a severe degenerative disease, and Adam knew he didn’t have much time left with the love of his life as it was. And adam said “i won’t go through this again”, hinting that Shiro had already abandoned Adam once before for his dream. So while Adam didn’t support Shiro, he was also extremely hurt and angry that Shiro was choosing space over him AGAIN and Shiro basically told Adam he wasn’t enough for him AGAIN.

Right there. That is the face of someone who is hurting, who is conflicted and at odds with what he wants and what he needs.

Adam said Shiro is the world to him, absolutely everything, but yet Shiro left him…that fucking sucks it really does. Shiro got hurt but Adam did too, if not more than equally. Shiro, the noble and brave leader and friend of so many, one of the kindest souls in this show, would not choose to give his life to a complete ass. Adam is validated, both he and Shiro gave up on each other and they both made mistakes regarding their “long and beautiful relationship”. They are both in the wrong, thank you for coming to my ted talk.