
I spent the past four or five days rearranging ASGORE, Welcome To Dangan Island, Ikoroshia, The Danganronpa main theme, MEGALOVANIA, and a royal victory of a secret at the end into this tribute to the most prestigious of Sundays. With Tumblr’s ban we cannot have another legal fingers in his sunday now. R.I.P. (2018-2018)



I don’t throw around the phrases “the worst thing I’ve ever made” or “abomination before God” very lightly, so believe me when I say this is both of those and also a mistake

I present to you Mr. Sandman, but the opening clapping is uncomfortably meaty and plays throughout the whole song


OMGGG!!! this game keeps surprising me! XD

This might be kind of obvious to many.. but to me it was a very nice surprise! hehe XD.

So i was at the CORE, and i read the signs that are in the walls

There’s one that says :


And well as you may know, The warrior’s path is referring to a very long corridor at the top of the CORE’s map where there’s a lot of hard enemies and at the end of it there’s a switch that opens the barrier to the end.

The Sage’s path is referring to a puzzle that’s on the left side of the map, that opens the barrier to the end.

AND ALSO, there’s this sign next to the energy barrier thing that says:


And for a long time i didn’t know what it was referring to.. but just now something clicked with me:

In the warrior’s path you have to FIGHT and in the Sage’s path you have to THINK, so that means if i can’t open the barrier thing by those 2 ways….then…with patience i will?? so then do i have to wait

And so i waited 🙂